Oct 5, 2009

fOr majLis aQiqah

cOngrates to kakMARA and husband..bertambah lagi la famiLy..:)

thanx to ticer ATI sb intrOdUce fahimCOCO..foR d majLis aqiqaH..

weLL..kakMARA decide nk bg cOklat as a goodiEs utK para tetamU..

280 heArt-shapE miLk chocOlates..isi dlm greY-bOx..100 pcs dlm 1 cav-box each..

so ade 100 boxes for 1 cav-box..the other 180pcs..dlm 20 boxes of 9 cav-box..

nice huH? *winkwink* \\o \o/ o//

sYawaL a.k.a BIGDAY

Selamat Hari Raya! Agak lama fahimCOCO menyepi atas sb musabab yg sgt bz :)

i've made 500 pcs of chocs during my wedding day..those 500 guestS yg LUCKY dpt goodie drp fahimCOCO...hope semua org enjoyyyyy!!!!!

p/s: 140 pcs of chocs yg ditempah oleh puan fadhlina..sy lupe nak snap gambar..em soghie..btw choc tu sy letak dlm kotak *2 cav* - fc006..kaler purple..puan fadhlina nk buat goodie...:)

yg ni hantaran yg ditempah oleh kakciksuriani...:) 35pcs..i also gave the same chocs to my huBBy *winkwinK*

Sep 3, 2009


It has been a while..sy sedikit bz utk upload pic2…sy juga sedang siapkan tempahan almond clusters utk customers kesayangan saya..^o^…

Project runaway…selain siapkan almond clusters..sy juga sedang usahakan tempahan utk hantaran pertunangan..goodie..dan yang terdekat..bufday present utk org tersayang (kwn dedi tempah)..i will upload those pictures…Cuma cpt dgn lambat jer..hehehehe…

Last but not least..ni coklat dgn muffin (vanilla&cocoa with almond nips and cherry/raisin) for kakak athirah..my niece..for her 8th bufday..100pcs of chocs and 100pcs of muffins…satu malam buat ni..uhuhuhu sb mama bgtau lambat…

Opsss….i made the chocs and kakdah (my sis) did the muffins…sooo…enjoyyyyyssssss ;p

p/s; varietY of darK chocs wif ganache and almond; insidE nice box..hmmm SOLD to syAna :)

Aug 11, 2009

date : aUgusT 10th, 2009 (mOn)
venue : sRi LaTa, deSa petaLing
time : ± 9.30 PM

ekceli…sy buat class on weekend jer..tp kerana makcik ( panggilan sy pd mak KAMRIL – KWN TUNANG SAYA a.k.a kwn sy gak ) sgt bersemangat dtg all the way from Terengganu ( makcik mmg slalu turun kl..tp makcik xsabar nk blaja..hehehe ) jd sy teruskan juga..
desa petaling tu rupanye dekat jer dgn umah sy kat bdr sri permaisuri tu..uhuhuhu tp oleh krn sy sesat ( sy mmg selalu sesat ) class pn start lambat drp waktu biasa..sy pun malu sgt2 sb lambat dan sesat..ape yg sy paling maluuuuuuu..sy silap send msg..( uhuhuhu hnya org tau je fhm )
bile dh smpai sy start class trus..sb dh ade rasa segan..sepanjang class..sy x ambek gambar pn utk dijadikan koleksi..uhuhuhuhu..how ever..class jln lancar jer..byk sgt soalan drp makcik..:)
gudLUCK makcik..renung2 kan..dan selamat beramal!!hoo ohh

p/s; koleksi coklat yg tiada kena mengena dgn class makcik..tp sy nk letak gak...:) coklat for my nieces and nephews

Jul 21, 2009

my clasSes


daTe : JulY 18th, 2009 (satUrday)
venue : LestAri aparTment, bandaR sri PermaisUri

Jul 19, 2009

cHaritY_fahimCOCO wiTH SCOMIgroup

date : July 18th, 2009 (sunnY sUndaY)
venue : Zoo Negara

Rumah Anak Yatim Nurul Qana'ah - Gombak
Pertubuhan Kebajikan Ehsan A-shukur - Rawang

Jul 13, 2009

nEw mAsterPiece_aLmONd cLusterS


dOraemOn..budAk2 suke nih


ordered by dedi hisyam for his lovely wife..kak ee

and for his eX-boss

Jul 3, 2009

i Made these during LUcNH HOUR...feuuwwwh

" ciktin..kakak bgtau kwn2 kakak yg ciktin pandai buat coklat...kakak dah ambek order ape yg kwn kakak request..tlg buat yer ciktin..kwn kakak teringinnnnn sgt..kakak dh suruh diorg bersabar...cktin buat bentuk heart, rose, leaf...nanti weekend kakak dtg tlg ciktin..kita buat mickey..dgn doraemon eh...yg mane siap ciktin kirim kat ayh syam yer..

"athirah, my niece (7 thn)..call sy dan request smua nih..uhuhuhu..sbg aunt yg baik hati dan sukakan kanak2...ngehngehngeh...sy cuba buat masa lunch dan ini hasilnya...dpt la 27 biji coklat...yeayea..

gOOdie gOOdie gOOdie

goodie for Puan Sri Eveline and her frienDs..goodie fOr asma'..goodie foR JuLaiLy

speciaL fOr aSma' (red-box) and 34 chOcs fOr hai-O parTy

reqUested by jULaily fOr her "MAN"..i gUess..hehehe jgn marah JU...

Jun 12, 2009

hOw tO mAke a tasty chOcolate *manually*

these are the basic things we need:

1. chocolate (couverture/ compound)
2. stainless steel mixing bowl
3. kitchen scale
4. food or yogurt warmer/ basin
5. plastic spatula
6. scraper
7. chocolate mould
8. warmth water
9. glove
10. plastic

11. apron

e.g chocolate steamer (thank GOD i found this classical chocolate steamer!)

e.g stainless steel mixing bowl (since i've got the chocolate steamer, i seldomly use this..but for those who use the food warmer, they need the mixing bowl)

e.g digital scale (i LOVE this because of the TARE BUTTON..heheheh..very easy to scale)

e.g mould (some of them)

e.g plastic spatula; scraper; teaspoon

e.g glove

later, i will add the food warmer and couverture chocolate...^o^